A major area of work at SRC is exploring the ways forest-based enterprises can be developed to support the sustainable management of tropical forests. The goal is to make the forest a competitive land use which can “pay its way”. Work here has focused on the application of Participatory Forest Management (PFM) and the development of non-timber forest products (NTFP) in south-west Ethiopia, but is also exploring the use of PFM and honey production in Zambia.

The focus of this work is on supporting government and communities to develop clear arrangements for forest use and management. This includes the rights and responsibilities of communities, which form the basis of the revenue streams they are able to develop. Exploring how to improve the value chains for forest products and develop appropriate institutional arrangements in communities and at higher levels have been key areas of work to date.


There have been four projects to date, all of which have been made possible through the collaborative partnership between University of Huddersfield (UoH) and Ethio-Wetlands Natural Resources Association (EWNRA). Each of these projects has grown out of lessons learned as part of a preceding or concurrent project. This culture of Action Research has helped ensure a continuous cycle of monitoring, evaluation, learning and adaptation. Most importantly, however, it has helped UoH and EWNRA establish relationships with participating communities and local government offices in one part of southwest Ethiopia. These relationships are built on trust and long-term partnerships.

The four projects are: NTFP-PFM 1 & 2, WCC-PFM, CCWCNF and NTFP-ME. Further detail on each of these can be found via these links.


NTFP-PFM (2003-2013)

Developed a devolved form of Participatory Forest Management (PFM) and explored the role of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs).


WCC-PFM (2000-2016)

Wild Coffee Conservation by PFM Project tested the use of PFM for conserving wild Arabica coffee growing in natural forests.


CCWCNF (2016-2021)

Enhanced and expanded PFM for sustainable forest management and livelihoods development including use of communal land certificates.


NTFP-ME (2018-2021)

Developed micro-enterprises (ME), especially for women, to add value to non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and improve livelihoods.


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